Banatica 28





Sorin-Marius Petrescu
Alegerea si organizarea spatiului locuit in pesteri si abri-uri din Banat
Abiding spaces selection and arrangement in caves and abris in the Banat

Monica Margarit, Adina Boroneant, Clive Bonsall
Exploatarea tehnologica a cornului in situl arheologic de la Ostrovul Corbului
Technological exploitation of Cervus elaphus antler at the Mesolithic site of Ostrovul Corbului

Ioan Alexandru Barbat
Short considerations about the Starcevo-Cris figurines from the soimus-Teleghi archaeological site, feature 176a (Hunedoara County)
Scurte consideratii despre figurinele Starcevo-Cris din situl arheologic soimus-Teleghi, complexul 176a (judetul Hunedoara)

Georgeta El Susi
Economia animaliera a comunitatilor neolitice târzii (Vinca C1-C2) de la Uivar, judetul Timis
Animal husbandry of the late neolithic site (Vinca C1 and C2) at Uivar, Timis County

Aurel Rustoiu, Iosif Vasile Ferencz
Burebista at the Banat’s Danube. Archaeological and historical data regarding the evolution of settlements in the Iron Gates Region in the 1st century BC
Burebista la Dunarea banateana. Date arheologice si istorice privind evolutia asezarilor din zona Portilor de Fier in sec. I a. Chr.

Flavius Petru Bozu
Proiectile din piatra si lut descoperite in castrele romane de la Varadia, judetul Caras-Severin
Stone and clay missiles in the roman camps at Varadia, Caras-Severin County

Doina Benea
Atelierele de caramidarie din canabele de la Apulum
Brick Workshops from the canabae of Apulum

Atalia Onitiu, Simona Regep
Structura sociala si comportament funerar in orasele Daciei romane (I). Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa
Social structure and funeral behavior in the towns of roman Dacia (I). Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa

Calin Timoc
Descoperirile arheologice de epoca romana de la Ramna (judetul Caras-Severin) si prima colaborare stiintifica intre muzeele banatene din Timisoara si Resita
Roman age archaeological discoveries from Ramna (Caras-Severin County) and the first scientific collaboration between the Banat Museums in Timisoara and Resita

Ana Cristina Hamat
Lacate romane din colectia Muzeului Banatului Montan Resita
Roman padlocks from the collections of the Highland Banat Museum from Resita

Paul Grigore Dinulescu
Doua buterole de spatha din bronz descoperite la Drobeta
Two bronze spatha scabbards discovered in Drobeta

Mariana Balaci Cringus
Consideratii privind productia ceramica in perioada romana târzie in sud-vestul Daciei
Some considerations regarding ceramic production in the late roman period in south-west of Dacia

Calin Cosma
Consideratii privind prezenta sax-urilor in morminte avare din Transilvania si Banatul românesc
Saxes discovered in the avar graves from Transylvania and the Romanian Banat

Alexandru Szentmiklosi
Contributii la repertoriul arheologic al localitatii Cornesti, judetul Timis
Contributions to the archaeological repertoire of Cornesti, Timis County

Constantin Adrian Boia
Cercetari arheologice de suprafata in localitatea Racasdia (judetul Caras-Severin) (I)
Field surveys at Racasdia (Caras-Severin County) (I)

Patrick Chiroiu, Alexandru Szentmiklosi, Adrian C. Ardelean, Andrei Balarie
Primele investigatii dendroarheologice privind fortificatia de secol XVIII a Timisoarei
Th first dendroarchaeological investigations on the fortification of Timisoara in the 18th century




Zoltán Iusztin
Contributii la istoria unei asezari disparute: Mezosomlyó/ sumig
Contributions to the history of a lost settlement: Mezosomlyó/ sumig

Ligia Boldea
In sedes judiciaria (II). Femei din Banatul medieval in fata scaunelor de judecata ale Curiei regale. Procese
In sedes judiciaria (II). Women in the medieval Banat before the court of Royal Curia. Lawsuits

Elek Szaszkó
The Viceban, the Noble Judges and “the Traitor” (The Biographies of the Oszlári and the Porazfalvi Families)
Vicebanul, judele nobililor si “tradatorul” (biografiile familiilor Oszlári si Porazfalvi)

Ovidiu Cristea
The aftermath of a victory: an episode of Stephen the Great’ s diplomacy after the battle of Vaslui (10 january 1475)
Urmarile victoriei: un episod din diplomatia lui stefan cel Mare dupa batalia de la Vaslui (10 ianuarie 1475)

Grzegorz Jawor
Vigesima agnorum et decima porcorum. Redevances pastorales dans les villages valaques en Pologne aux XVe et XVIe siècles Vigesima agnorum et decima porcorum
Veniturile realizate din pastorit in satele valahe din Polonia in secolele XV-XVI

Adrian Magina
Documente privind comertul Caransebesului in secolul al XVI-lea
References on Caransebes trade in the 16th century

Anton E. Dörner
Circumstantele formarii Principatului Transilvaniei si a curtii princiare. Primul deceniu de evolutie (1541–1551)
Circumstances of the Principality of Transylvania and princely Court building the first decade of development (1541–1551)

Dragos Lucian Tigau
Familia Tivadar de Caransebes in secolele XVI–XVII
Family of Tivadar of Caransebes in the 16th–17th century

Livia Magina
Nuptialia festa agebantur: invitatia de nunta, sursa primara pentru istoria sociala a Transilvaniei princiare
Nuptialia festa agebantur: wedding invitations, a primary source for social history in Principality of Transylvania

Florin Nicolae Ardelean
Evolutia functiei de capitan general in Transilvania la sfârsitul secolului al XVI-lea si in prima jumatate a secolului al XVII-lea
The evolution of the captain general office in the Transylvanian army during the end of the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century

Vasile-Ionut Roma
Reformarea administratiei habsburgice de la Timisoara si implicarea comisarului Ignatz Kempf de Angret in managementul personalului din Banat (1751–1754)
The demilitarization Reform within the Habsburg Administration in Timisoara and the involvement of the court commissioner Ignatz Kempf von Angret in the personnel management in Banat (1751–1754)

Costin Fenesan
Ein Handelsversuch der “K. k. privilegierten Handlungskompanie zu Temeswar und Triest” nach Siebenbürgen (1767–1768)
O incercare de comert a “Companiei cezaro-craiesti privilegiate de comert de la Timisoara si Triest” in Transilvania (1767–1768)

Paula Virag
Evolutia demografica din comitatul Satu Mare la finalul secolului al XVIII-lea
Demographic development in Satu Mare County at the end of the 18th century

Dorin-Ioan Rus
Efforts to improve salt transportation by land between Transylvania and Bukovina in the late 18th century
Eforturi de imbunatatire a transportului de sare pe uscat intre Transilvania si Bucovina in secolul al XVIII-lea

Mihaela Grancea
Geografiile simbolice, imaginile Centrului, Principelui si Eroului Salvator in cantecul epic traditional
Symbolic geographies, images of Center, Prince and Saving Hero in the romanian traditional epic poem

Razvan Mihai Neagu
Consideratii privind implicarea in realizarea Marii Uniri a studentilor teologi români din Banat care au studiat la Cernauti in perioada 1875–1918
Considerations regarding the involvement in the realization of the Great Union of the romanian theologian students from Banat, who learned in Chernivtsi between 1875–1918

Ovidiu Emil Iudean
National sentiment and political pragmatism. The parliamentary representative Constantin Burdia and the “Romanian People affair”
Sentiment national si pragmatism politic. Deputatul parlamentar Constantin Burdia si “Afacerea Poporul Român”

Ionela-Felicia Moscovici
Perspective asupra textelor memorialistice ale Primului Razboi Mondial in Banat
Oultlook on I World War memorials in the Banat

Mihaela Elena Stana, Carina-Ana Babeu
Jurnalele de razboi ale banateanului Baneu Svetozar, participant la Primul Razboi Mondial
War diaries of Baneu Svetozar from the Banat, a participant in I World War

Emanuil Ineoan
Actiuni diplomatice de promovare a cauzei aromâne la Paris la sfârsitul primei conflagratii mondiale
Diplomatic actions in favour of the Aromanian cause in Paris at the end of the First World Conflagration

Minodora Damian
Cinematografe din judetul Caras in perioada interbelica
Movie theaters in Caras-County during the interwar period

Eusebiu Narai
Aspecte privind dezvoltarea mestesugurilor in judetul Caras (1944–1948)
Aspects concerning the trades development in Caras County (1944–1948)

Felician Velimirovici
Câteva cazuri de “abateri de la morala proletara” ale membrilor PMR din Banat, la inceputurile regimului comunist (1948–1950)
Several cases of “deviations from the proletarian morality” of Romanian Workers` Party from Banat at the beginning of communist rule (1948–1950)

Vasile Ramneantu
Scriitorii – Securitatea – Partidul
The Writers – the Securitate – the Party




Mihaela Vlasceanu
Considerations on the iconography of Mary in the Baroque sculpture from Timisoara
Consideratii asupra iconografiei Fecioarei Maria in sculptura baroca din Timisoara

Sorin–Marius Petrescu
O inscriptie rupestra fragmentara inedita pe Valea Rudariei (com. Eftimie Murgu, judetul Caras-Severin)
A new fragmentary rupestrian inscription on the Rudaria Valley (commune of Eftimie Murgu, Caras-Severin County)




Silvia MustataThe roman metal vessels from Dacia Porolissensis, Seria Patrimonium Archaeologicum Transylvanicum, vol. 12, Editura Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2017, 374 p.+106 pl (Ana Cristina Hamat)

Dan DeacArtefacte romane de bronz din colectiile Muzeului Judetean de Istorie si Arta Zalau. Catalog de Expozitie Selectiv/ Roman bronze artefacts from the Zalau History and Art County Museum. Selective Exhibition Catalogue, Editura Mega Publishing House, Editura Porolissum, Cluj-Napoca, 2018, 93p. 22 fig si 1pl. (Ana Cristina Hamat)

George Valentin BounegruThe Northeern Necropolis of Apulum „Ambulance Station” 1981–1985. Necropola nordica de la Apulum „Statia de salvare” 1981–1985, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2017, 207p.+1pl. (Ana Cristina Hamat)

Costin FenesanDiplomatarivm Banaticvm, vol. I-II, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2016–2017, 380 + 530 p. (Ligia Boldea)

Evelin Wetter, Corinna Kienzler, Ágnes Ziegler (eds.), Liturgische Gewänder in der Schwarzen Kirche zu Kronstadt in Siebenbürgen, Riggisberg: Abegg-Stiftung, 2015, Liturgische Gewänder in der Schwarzen Kirche zu Kronstadt in Siebenbürgen/ Rezumatul textului stiintific/ A tanulmányok összefoglalója/ Summary of the Essay Section, Riggisberg: Abegg-Stiftung, 2015, 482 p. (Edit Szegedi)

Andi MihalacheTrecutul ca text: idei, tendinte, controverse, Editura Universitatii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iasi, 2017, 298 p. (Felician Velimirovici)




Dr. Dumitru Teicu: O evocare (1954–2018) (Rudolf Gräf)

Despre arheologul Caius Sacarin (1950–2018) (Ovidiu Bozu)





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